🟡 Introduction to Astrology
🟡 The Elements and Temperaments
🟡 The Three Modalities
🟡 Planetary Symbols and Influences
🟡 The 12 Houses of Astrology
🟡 The Polarity Zodiac Signs
🟡 Planetary Aspects & Relationship
🟡 Zodiac Signs Correspondences
🟡 Birth Chart Anatomy
🟡 My Birth Chart
🟡 House Attributes
🟡 Planets in 12 (Pages) Zodiac Signs
🟡 Disadvantages of the zodiac Signs
🟡 Descendant in Zodiac Signs
🟡 Ascendant In Zodiac Signs
🟡 Principal axes in the horoscope
🟡 Medium Coeli
🟡 General Information ( Lilith in astrology, Opposite Mideheaven, Important in astrology......)